bag log

tote bags

in no particular order (not pictured: all the crumbs and coins at the bottom of them)

image name story
mosquito bag

i visited the museum of world insects and natural wonders in chiang mai by myself after a week long conference.

i figured it is important to know my enemy (mosquito) well.

maybe by wearing a giant mosquito, smaller ones will leave me alone.

friendly frog bag

my friend itou gave me this bag as a part of a present for my 26th birthday.

since he has been smoking for over 60 years, the bag smelled strongly of cigarettes.

inside was a wooden puzzle that i could never solve as well as one of his paintings.

mooneyes bag

my sweet dan got me this bag from the mooneyes store during our first road trip to socal.

we successfully schemed to get a personal tour of the garage where the moon magic happens.

i actually had a mooneyes sticker on the first laptop that i ever owned, so it was exciting to visit the source.

zabars bag

my friend ingrid gave me this bag from a gourmet food shop as a souvenir from her frequent trips to new york.

it's on the smaller side but with a thick study strap - for just the right amount of trinkets without causing shoulder pain.

when i think of artisinal food goods, ingrid comes to mind.

commuting mouse bag

my sweet dan got me this bag from the artist @rolilomi at the san jose friend fest.

it's a b print because of the extra space at the bottom that i will put a pin or a patch on.

i am also a mouse that commutes in a bubble shaped car.

tater bag

my dear dan got me this bag as a souvenir from his family trip to idaho.

the potatoes can pass as kidneys, lungs, or b*lls...

he also got me some huckleberry jam to try.